1) training to ensure proper behavior
2) order and control (a controlled orderly state)
3) calm controlled behavior
I generally have discipline when it comes to my writing. Once I sit down and begin, I’m the epitome of discipline. Notes are organized and in front of me. My brain is in ‘go’ mode. I’m eager to jump into my writing world and that of my characters’. I’m ready to listen to my muse.
When it comes to everything else, I’m in the Shadowlands (my brain lol). I need to crack the whip on my scatter brained self. I’m feeling overwhelmed with Facebook, Twitter, Triberr, blogs…promotional everything. Solidifying my platform. And it’s not so much doing it all. It’s doing it all in an organized way.
Now, I’m not so organized when it comes to getting myself out there on the web. I’ll go days without posting or tweeting anything, and then I’ll spend an entire day overloading myself all over the place. I’ll realize days later everyone whom I retweet or visit has posted blogs or updates and the next thing I know, I’m trying to do fifty of them all at once. I NEED ORGANIZATION. Ugh.
I’ll start with my blog. I usually post twice a week. However, I think I may need to bring that down to once a week. I don’t want to post random babbles like I sometimes do. I want what I post for y’all to have some meat in it. Something worth reading. And not just promo stuff. (Although, I’m considering putting up everyone’s latest news at the beginning of my posts. You know, pick a few who may have a new release that coming week, or maybe a new blog hop coming up, or whatever.) I may just do a promo Friday just for that purpose. See? Scattered to the wind. My brain’s flying off into left field. That’s why I need discipline.
I think I need to make a schedule for the week. I’ll more than likely follow that at least. Like maybe Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I will spend an hour going through Twitter. (I’ll have to set the timer to ensure I know when an hour is up of course!)
Maybe Tuesdays I’ll do something new on my Facebook pages.
Maybe Thursday will be devoted to Goodreads.
There is just so darn much promo stuff I can do!
What about you? Do you organize your day in such a way? Or are you disciplined enough that it’s second nature to you?
I’d love to hear some ideas J Whether it’s on scheduling, organizing, or promoting feel free to drop me a comment here or on my website, or on Facebook, or even on Twitter using #Donna’sDiscipline
I’ll randomly choose two commenters from here, my web page, and Facebook combined and one randomly chosen retweet using the above hashtags on August 20th. The winners will receive a copy each of Secrets of Jenkins Bridge and The Swan Cove Murders.